Behavioural risks in supply networks
2008 |
Seiter, M. |
SCRM and performance : issues and challenges
2008 |
Ritchie, Bob |
Using simulation to investigate supply chains disruptions
2008 |
Melnyk, Steven A. |
The role of product design in global supply chain risk management
2008 |
Khan, Omera |
Pre-contract risk in international PFI projects
2008 |
Burtonshaw-Gunn, Simon A. |
Supply chain security : a dynamic capabilities approach
2008 |
Autry, Chad W. |
Single versus multiple sourcing : a supply risk management perspective
2008 |
Blome, Constantin |
Food supply chain security : issues and implications
2008 |
Voss, Douglas |
Predicting and managing supply chains risks
2008 |
Dani, Samir |
Assessing risks in projects and processes
2008 |
Gaudenzi, Barbara |
Supply chain risk management : developments, issues and challenges
2008 |
Zsidisin, George A. |
Risk management system : a conceptual model
2008 |
Mullai, Arben |
How much flexibility does it take to mitigate supply chain risks?
2008 |
Tang, Christopher S. |
Enterprise and supply risk management
2008 |
Henke, Michael |
Supply chain risk management for small and medium-sized businesses
2008 |
Jüttner, Uta |
Psychological foundations of supply chain risk management
2008 |
Smith, Michael E. |
Dominant risks and risk management practices in supply chains
2008 |
Wagner, Stephan M. |
Securing global food distribution networks
2008 |
Mau, Nicole |
Assessing the vulnerability of supply chains
2008 |
Asbjørnslett, Bjørn Egil |
Risk management in value networks
2008 |
Hallikas, Jukka |