How does corporate social responsibility change capital structure?
2018 |
Yang, Shenggang |
Exchange rate prediction using monetary policy rules in Taiwan
2018 |
Chang, Ming-Jen |
The five-day workweek system and investor inattention
2018 |
Kim, Tae Wook |
Executive pension, default risk, and earnings management
2018 |
Kwak, Byungjin |
Political connections buffer and local environmental performance deterioration : evidence from spring model and empirical data in China
2018 |
Yao, Sheng |
Did international production/distribution networks mitigate the effect of the global financial crisis? : evidence from Taiwan machinery industry
2018 |
Lin, Chin-Ho |
Earnings management by controlling shareholders who plan for stock gifts : Korean evidence
2018 |
Lee, Su Jeong |
Applying an ontology-augmenting XBRL model to accounting information system for business integration
2018 |
Bai, Li |
Accrual reversals and audit fees : the role of abnormal audit fees
2018 |
Lin, Fang-Chi |
Extensive and intensive margins of exports : the case of the Philippines
2018 |
Adelan, Diana B. |
Profitability news or valuation news? : a diagnostic analysis on the different news components in conditional conservatism
2018 |
Hung, Shengmin |
Do Big 4 firms benefit or suffer losses when another Big 4 firm fails to detect fraud?
2018 |
Jamal, Karim |
The impacts of accrual-based and real earnings management on executive compensation : evidence from Chinese public firms in the private sector
2018 |
Zhou, Fangzhao |
Is there an inverted U-shaped curve? : empirical analysis of the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Singapore
2018 |
Zambrano-Monserrate, Manuel A. |
Environment and economy in the modern agricultural development
2018 |
Li, Xiaochun |
Client importance and audit quality : evidence from China
2018 |
Chen, Songsheng |
Is the asymmetric cost behavior affected by competition factors?
2018 |
Cheung, Joonhei |
Management characteristics and corporate investment efficiency
2018 |
Lai, Shu-Miao |
Top management team demography, investor sentiment, and the investment levels of listed companies
2018 |
Zhu, Zhaohui |
Survey on forecast bias (analysts and earnings)
2018 |
Al-Thaqeb, Saud Asaad |