Johannes Bugenhagen and official baptismal Reforms
2011 |
Halvorson, Michael |
For the defense of the faith? : the crusading indulgence in early modern Spain
2010 |
O'Banion, Patrick J. |
"History is good at confounding and confessing labelers" - "Die Geschichte versteht es meisterlich, Schlagwortexperten zu irritieren und zu verwirren" : zu Diarmaid MacCullochs "Reformation"
2010 |
Kaufmann, Thomas |
Confessions of the dead : interpreting burial practice in the late Reformation
2010 |
Luebke, David Martin |
Does faith translate? : translations of Martin Luther and the doctrine of justification by faith
2010 |
Euler, Carrie |
Decentering the Catholic Reformation : papacy and peoples in the early modern world
2010 |
Ditchfield, Simon |
Testimony of true faith and the ruler's mission : the Middle Ages in the Magdeburg Centuries and the Melanchthon School
2010 |
Bollbuck, Harald |
What is a historical account? : religious biography and the Reformation's break with the Middle Ages
2010 |
Backus, Irena |
Rechte Konfession - Konfession im Recht
2010 |
Dreier, Horst |
Die Stadt als Bild der Verheißung : Minden auf dem Bildnis des Superintendenten Hermann Huddäus von Ludger tom Ring dem Jüngeren von 1568
2010 |
Slenczka, Ruth |
Ecclesiology and the English state : Luther and Melanchthon on the independence of the Church in English Translations of the 1570s
2010 |
Friedeburg, Robert von |
The Psalms and confrontation in English and Scottish Protestantism
2010 |
Ryrie, Alec |
Father Luis Piñeiro, S.J., the tridentine economy of relics, and the defense of the Jesuit missionary enterprise in Tokugawa Japan
2010 |
Roldán-Figueroa, Rady |
The Antwerp printers Christoffel and Hans (I) van Ruremund, their Dutch and English bibles, and the intervention of the authorities in the 1520s and 1530s
2010 |
François, Wim |
Die Stadt als Bild der Verheißung : Minden auf dem Bildnis des Superintendenten Hermann Huddäus von Ludger tom Ring dem Jüngeren von 1568
2010 |
Slenczka, Ruth |
Matthias Flacius, Simon Goulart and the "Catalogus testium veritatis" : Protestant historiography in an age of inner-Protestant struggle
2010 |
Pohlig, Matthias |
John Bale, John Foxe and the Reformation of the English past
2010 |
Greengrass, Mark |
Confessions of the dead : interpreting burial practice in the late Reformation
2010 |
Luebke, David Martin |
Does faith translate? : translations of Martin Luther and the doctrine of justification by faith
2010 |
Euler, Carrie |
In memoriam: Miriam Usher Chrisman (1920-2008), North American managing editor 1983-1988
2009 |
Schutte, Anne Jacobson |