Is free trade optimal for a small open economy with tourism?
2008 |
Trade in counterfeit organic products
2008 |
Choi, Eun Kwan |
Efficient fiscal policy restrictions in a monetary union
2008 |
Azariadēs, Kōstas |
On the role of the rate of time preference in macroeconomics : a survey
2008 |
Hamada, Kōichi |
Macro dynamics and labor-saving innovation : US vs. Japan
2008 |
Satō, Ryūzo |
On Yano's price leadership game
2008 |
Yano, Makoto |
Vilfredo Pareto's principle of compensation
2008 |
Kemp, Murray C. |
Quota as a competitive device
2008 |
Marjit, Sugata |
Succcessive expansion and stability of network integration in international trade
2008 |
Nakanishi, Noritsugu |
Trading under strategic self-constraint : conceptual issues and factual evidence
2008 |
Wan, Henry Y. |
Dynamic labor standards under international oligopoly
2008 |
Hu, Yunfang |
Import tariffs and growth in a model with habits
2008 |
Chen, Been-lon |
Koji Shimomura : emerging trade theorist
2008 |
Kemp, Murray C. |
On trade gains and international disparities in factor proportions
2008 |
Kemp, Murray C. |
A modified Heckscher-Ohlin theorem under quasilinear utility functions
2008 |
Factor mobility and wage inequality
2008 |
Oda, Masao |
A Pareto imporvement in customs unions without intra-union transfer
2008 |
Qi, Ling |
Trade policy and illegal immigration
2008 |
Woodland, Alan D. |
Foreign economic aid and trade liberalization under imperfect competition
2008 |
Kurata, Hiroshi |
Endogenous leadership with and without policy intervention : international trade when producer and seller differ
2008 |
Peng, Zhifang |