Subjects : entitlement in the international legal system
1983 |
Broms, Bengt |
Towards a new world information and communication order : problems of access and cultural development
1983 |
Venkata-Raman, K. |
A sociological perspective on international law
1983 |
Stone, Julius |
The minimum standards in a world of disparities
1983 |
Adede, A. O. |
Jurisdiction : changing patterns of authority over activities and resources
1983 |
Bowett, D. W. |
The common interst : tension between the whole and the parts
1983 |
Pardo, Arvid |
State responsibility : new theories of obligation in inter-state relations
1983 |
Riphagen, W. |
Recognition in theory and practice
1983 |
Brownlie, Ian |
The influence of history on the literature of international law
1983 |
Anand, Ram Prakash |
Will and order in the nation-state system : observations on positivism and international law
1983 |
Bos, Maarten |
The role of controversy in international legal development
1983 |
Shabtai, Rosenne |
A sociological perspective on interantional law
1983 |
Stone, Julius |
Natural law : the tradition of universal reason and authority
1983 |
Verdross, Alfred |
The international protection of the environment
1983 |
Kiss, Alexandre Charles |
International economic theory and international economic law : on the tasks of a legal theory of international economic order
1983 |
Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich |
Equality : political justice in an unequal world
1983 |
Pechota, Vratislav |
Coercion and the theory of sanctions in international law
1983 |
Fukatsu, Eiichi |
Consent : strains in the treaty system
1983 |
Simma, Bruno |
The role of political revolution in theory of international law
1983 |
Schweisfurth, Theodor |
The future of regionalism in an asymmetrical international society
1983 |
González Gálvez, Sergio |