Properties of disequilibrium adjustment in double auction markets
2008 |
Plott, Charles |
Effect of non-binding price controls in double auction trading
2008 |
Smith, Vernon L. |
Fairness and short run price adjustment in posted offer markets
2008 |
Kujal, Praveen |
Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium predictions as a means of organizing behavior in posted-offer market experiments
2008 |
Davis, Douglas D. |
First price independent private values auctions
2008 |
Cox, James C. |
2008 |
Plott, Charles |
Wage differentials in experimental efficiency wage markets
2008 |
Fehr, Ernst |
The paradox of power
2008 |
Durham, Yvonne |
The exercise of market power in laboratory experiments
2008 |
Davis, Douglas D. |
Price bubbles
2008 |
Porter, David P. |
Coordination success in non-cooperative large group market entry games
2008 |
Rapoport, Amnon |
Markets and information aggregation mechanisms
2008 |
Chen, Kay-Yut |
Reciprocity in ultimatum and dictator games : an introduction
2008 |
Hoffman, Elizabeth |
Fairness in ultimatum bargaining
2008 |
Murnighan, John K. |
Analyzing choice with revealed preference : is altruism rational?
2008 |
Andreoni, James |
Focal points and bargaining
2008 |
Binmore, Ken |
Emergent conventions in evolutionary games
2008 |
Van Huyck, John Bronston |
Quantal response equilibria : a brief synopsis
2008 |
McKelvey, Richard D. |
Asymmetric two-person bargaining under incomplete information : strategic play and adaptive learning
2008 |
Rapoport, Amnon |
The combinatorial auction
2008 |
Rassenti, Stephen J. |