Blurred genres : the refiguration of social thought
2007 |
Geertz, Clifford |
Liminality and communitas
2007 |
Turner, Victor |
"Performance" and other analogies
2007 |
Bell, Catherine |
"The blood that runs through the veins" : the creation of identity and a client's experience of Cuban-American Santería Dilogún divination
2007 |
Atwood Manson, Michael |
The nature and significance of play as a cultural phenomenon
2007 |
Huizinga, Johan |
Excerpt from "signature event context"
2007 |
Derrida, Jacques |
The deep order called turbulence : the three faces of dramaturgy
2007 |
Barba, Eugenio |
Translating performance
2007 |
Taylor, Diana |
Performance studies
2007 |
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara |
Performances : belief in the part one is playing
2007 |
Goffman, Erving |
A theory of play and fantasy
2007 |
Bateson, Gregory |
The ambiguity of play : rhetorics of fate
2007 |
Sutton-Smith, Brian |
Falling apart to stay together : deep play in the Grand Mardi Gras
2007 |
Ancelet, Barry Jean |
A dialogue about acting
2007 |
Brecht, Bertolt |
The actor's technique
2007 |
Grotowsky, Jerzy |
Presenting and re-presenting the self : from not-acting to acting in African performance
2007 |
Harding, Frances |
First attempts at a stylized theatre
2007 |
Meyerhold, Vsevolod |
Performance studies : the broad spectrum approach
2007 |
Schechner, Richard |
The liminal-norm
2007 |
McKenzie, John |
Marina Abramović : witnessing shadows
2007 |
Phelan, Peggy |