[Rezension von: The philosophy of economics, an anthology, ed. by Daniel M. Hausman]
2009 |
Ross, Don |
Capability and well-being
2008 |
Sen, Amartya |
Neuroeconomics : using neuroscience to make economic predictions
2008 |
Camerer, Colin |
The rhetoric of this economics
2008 |
McCloskey, Deirdre N. |
2008 |
Mäki, Uskali |
The nature and significance of economic science
2008 |
Robbins, Lionel |
Welfare propositions of economics and interpersonal comparisons of utility
2008 |
Kaldor, Nicholas |
Science and ideology
2008 |
Schumpeter, Joseph |
The philosophical foundations of mainstream normative economics
2008 |
Hausman, Daniel M. |
Why is cost-benefit analysis so controversial?
2008 |
Frank, Robert H. |
Does macroeconomics need microfoundations?
2008 |
Hoover, Kevin D. |
The market as a creative process
2008 |
Buchanan, James M. |
What has realism got to do with it?
2008 |
Lawson, Tony |
Credible worlds : the status of theoretical models in economics
2008 |
Sugden, Robert |
On the definition and method of political economy
2008 |
Mill, John Stuart |
Economics and human action
2008 |
Knight, Frank |
Selected texts on economics, history, and social science
2008 |
Marx, Karl |
The methodology of positive economics
2008 |
Friedman, Milton |
Popper and Lakatos in economic methodology
2008 |
Hands, D. Wade |
Objectivity and understanding in economics
2008 |
Weber, Max |