Some universals of social behavior
2008 |
Triandis, Harry Charalambos |
Postscript to "Industrialism and industrial man"
2008 |
Classes, power and conflict : classical and contemporary debates, introduction
2008 |
Giddens, Anthony |
Toward a general theory of action
2008 |
Parsons, Talcott |
Business drive and national achievement
2008 |
McClelland, David C. |
Cultural patterns in the role of the manager
2008 |
Haire, Mason |
Worker participation and influence in five countries
2008 |
Societal differences in organizing manufacturing units : a comparison of France, West Germany, and Great Britain
2008 |
Maurice, Marc |
The culture relativity of organizational practices and theories
2008 |
Hofstede, Geert |
Multilevel research of human systems : flowers, bouquets and gardens
2008 |
Hofstede, Geert |
The modern Western institutional system
2008 |
Parsons, Talcott |
National character : the study of modal personality and sociocultural systems
2008 |
Inkeles, Alex |
A theory of organization and change within value-attitude systems
2008 |
Rokeach, Milton |
Organizational goals and expected behavior among American, Japanese and Korean managers : a comparative study
2008 |
England, George W. |
Accelerated managers' objectives in twelve countries
2008 |
Bass, Bernard M. |
Culture, contingency and capitalism in the cross-national study of organizations
2008 |
Child, John |
The confucius connection : from cultural roots to economic growth
2008 |
Hofstede, Geert |