Principles-based accounting standards
2008 |
Schipper, Katherine |
Rules-based standards and the lack of principles in accounting
2008 |
Nobes, Christopher |
Why not allow FASB and IASB standards to compete in the US?
2008 |
Dye, Ronald A. |
When politics and financial reporting don't mix
2008 |
Swinson, Chris |
"Political" lobbying on proposed standards : a challenge to the IASB
2008 |
Zeff, Stephen A. |
True and fair view revisited : a reply to Alexander and Nobes
2008 |
Wüstemann, Jens |
From accounting directives to international accounting standards
2008 |
Van Hulle, Karel |
International financial reporting convergence : evidence from three continental European countries
2008 |
Delvaille, Pascale |
A commentary on issues relating to the enforcement of international financial reporting standards in the EU
2008 |
Brown, Philip |
Changing from German GAAP to IFRS or US GAAP : a survey of German companies
2008 |
Weißenberger, Barbara E. |
Effects of adoption of international financial reporting standards in Belgium : the evidence from BEL-20 companies
2008 |
Jermakowicz, Eva K. |
The impact of the change to international accounting standards on debt covenants : a UK perspective
2008 |
Ormrod, Phillip |
The effect of revised IAS 14 on segment reporting by IAS companies
2008 |
Prather-Kinsey, Jenice |
Revenue recognition and EU endorsement of IFRS
2008 |
Nobes, Christopher |
Implementing IFRS : a case study of the Czech Republic
2008 |
Sucher, Pat |
The survival of international differences under IFRS : towards a research agenda
2008 |
Nobes, Christopher |
What can be expected from accounting standards?
2008 |
Gélard, Gilbert |
Legal certainty, European-ness and Realpolitik
2008 |
Alexander, David |
Earnings management under German GAAP versus IFRS
2008 |
Van Tendeloo, Brenda |
Modelling the links between tax and financial reporting : a longitudinal examination of Norway over 30 years up to IFRS adoption
2008 |
Nobes, Christopher |