Adaptation to variable environments, resilience to climate change : investigating land, water and settlement in Indus northwest India
2017 |
Petrie, Cameron A. |
Identifying the anthropological in a mixed-methods study of transnational students in Mexican schools
2017 |
Hamann, Edmund Ted |
From converts to itinerants : religious Butinage as dynamic identity
2017 |
Gez, Yonatan N. |
Asylum as a form of life : the politics and experience of indeterminacy in South Africa
2017 |
Fassin, Didier |
The archaeology of teaching and the evolution of Homo docens
2017 |
Gärdenfors, Peter |
A political ecology of water and enslavement : water ways in eighteenth-century Carribean plantations
2017 |
Hauser, Mark William |
The arts of noticing
2017 |
Kim, Elena J. |
Seeing like borders : convergence zone as a post-Zomian model
2017 |
Tenzin, Jinba |
Early stone tools and cultural transmission : resetting the null hypothesis
2017 |
Tennie, Claudio |
Life form and form of life within an agentive configuration : a birth ritual among the Mixe of Oaxaca, Mexico
2017 |
Pitrou, Perig |
In the crimino-legal fuzzy zone
2017 |
Kane, C. Stephanie |
A 5,500-year model of changing crop niches on the Tibetan plateau : a comment
2017 |
Bellezza, John Vincent |
The bioarchaeology of kinship : proposed revisions to assumptions guiding interpretation
2017 |
Ensor, Bradley E. |
Perforated stars : networks of prestige item exchange and the role of perforated flint objects in the Late Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant
2017 |
Rosenberg, Danny |
The social power of captives
2017 |
Peregrine, Peter N. |
Drought and its demographic effects in the Maya lowlands : by Julie A. Hoggarth, Matthew Restall, James W. Wood, and Douglas J. Kennett
2017 |
Hoggarth, Julie A. |
Alloparental care and assistance in a normatively patrilocal society : Gretchen Perry, Department of Child and Youth Studies
2017 |
Perry, Gretchen |
Kinship terminologies: Cognitive truth or hocus-pocus? : a reply to Kronenfeld
2017 |
Wierzbicka, Anna |
Sizes of permanent campsite communities reflect constraints on natural human communities
2017 |
Kordsmeyer, Tobias |
The politics of space
2017 |
Cassaniti, Julia |