The Ascites syndrome in meat-type chickens
2002 |
Julian, R.J. |
Cardiovascular disease in turkeys
2002 |
Julian, R.J. |
The avian cardiovascular system
2002 |
Julian, R.J. |
1998 |
Tripathy, D.N. |
Coccidiosis in chickens
1997 |
Watkins, K.L. |
Noninfectious disorders of the skeleton of domestic chickens and turkeys
1996 |
Riddell, C. |
Pullorum disease and fowl typhoid
1996 |
Shivaprasad, H.L. |
Aspergillosis - actylariosis
1995 |
Ranck, F.M. |
Systemic viral diseases of pet birds
1995 |
Fitzgerald, S.D. |
Fowl cholera
1995 |
Onet, G.E. |
Biotechnology in avian medicine
1994 |
Jackwood, Daral J. |
Chicken infectious anemia
1994 |
Shivaprasad, H.L. |
Viral Arthritis
1994 |
Olson, Norman O. |
Marble spleen disease of ring-necked pheasants
1992 |
Fitzgerald, S.D. |
Avian pox
1986 |
Tripathy, D.N. |
Infectious bursal disease
1985 |
Lukert, P.D. |
Mycoplasma synoviae infection
1983 |
Yoder, Harry W. |
Mycoplasma meleagridis infection
1983 |
Yamamoto, Richard |
Infectious coryza
1983 |
Rimler, R.B. |
Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection
1983 |
Kleven, S.H. |