Problems of enforcement and interpretaton of the Sherman Act
1959 |
Berge, Wendell |
Contract policy and operations of the AEC
1959 |
Romance and realism in antitrust policy
1959 |
Dewey, Donald |
Price discrimination and the big buyer
1959 |
Dirlam, Joel B. |
Social costs of private enterprise
1959 |
Kapp, Karl W. |
The rationale of regulation
1959 |
Lewis, Ben W. |
Public vs. private saving
1959 |
Lewis, William Arthur |
Types of unfair methods and practices
1959 |
Economics of resale price maintenance
1959 |
Yamey, Basil S. |
The economist plays with blocs
1959 |
Stigler, George J. |
Mergers and preventive antitrust policy
1959 |
Stigler, George J. |
Military procurement policies: World War II and today
1959 |
Miller, John Perry |
The new competition
1959 |
Mason, Edward S. |
Workable competition and the objectives of antitrust
1959 |
Mason, Edward S. |
Measurement of industrial concentration
1959 |
Adelman, Morris A. |
The growth of big business
1959 |
Houghton, Harrison F. |
Technological progress in some American industries
1959 |
Maclaurin, W. Rupert |
Evidence and findings on mergers
1959 |
Markham, Jesse W. |
The facts and the law on merger
1959 |
Is monopoly increasing?
1959 |
Fabricant, Solomon |