Battle of the global paradigms
2008 |
Hilmes, Michele |
Cosmopolitan de-scriptions : Shanghai and Hong Kong
2008 |
Abbas, Ackbar |
An occupied place
2008 |
Stewart, Kathleen C. |
Get real! : cultural relevance and resistance to the mediated feminine ideal
2008 |
Duke, Lisa |
The ideology and discourse of modern racism
2008 |
Dijk, Teun van |
Public speech, dance, jokes, and song
2008 |
Downing, John D. H. |
"Why don't you act your color?" : preteen girls, identity, and popular music
2008 |
Tracy, Pamela J. |
Lowrider style : cultural politics and the poetics of scale
2008 |
Chappell, Ben |
2008 |
Barthes, Roland |
Fashion, culture, and the construction of identity
2008 |
Niederer, Elizabeth |
Just a girl? : rock music, feminism, and the cultural construction
2008 |
Wald, Gayle |
The nature/technology binary opposition dismantled in the music of Madonna and Björk
2008 |
Marsh, Charity |
"Represent" : race, space and place in rap music
2008 |
Forman, Murray |
Encoding, decoding
2008 |
Hall, Stuart |
Camera and eye
2008 |
Silverman, Katja |
Re-writing "reality" : reading "The Matrix"
2008 |
Kilbourn, Russell J.A. |
Jackie Chan and the black connection
2008 |
Marchetti, Gina |
Is Elvis a god? : cult, culture, questions of method
2008 |
Frow, John |
Discrepant intimacy : popular cultural flows in East Asia
2008 |
Iwabuchi, Koichi |
The rhetoric of culture : some notes on magazines, Canadian culture, and globalization
2008 |
Szeman, Imre |