Special issue: war and peace in organizational memory |
2018 |
volume 13, number 4 (November 2018) |
Special issue: academic entrepreneurship and institutional change in historical perspective |
2017 |
volume 12, number 3 (August 2017) |
Special issue: re-visiting the historic turn 10 years later : current debates in management and organizational history |
2016 |
volume 11, number 2 (May 2016) |
Special issue: Translating potential into profits : foreign multinationals in emerging markets since the nineteenth century |
2015 |
10.2015,2 |
Special issue: The era of management : a historical perspective on twentieth-century management |
2014 |
9.2014,4 |
Special issue: Ahead of time |
2014 |
9.2014,2 |
Special issue: Constellations of past and present : specters, ruins and chimeras |
2013 |
8.2013,1 |
Special issue: Doing historical research in management and organizational studies |
2013 |
8.2013,2 |
Special issue: Theorizing the past |
2012 |
7.2012,3 |
Special issue on governmentality, power and organization |
2012 |
7.2012,1 |
Special issue: Historical perspectives on organizational stability and change |
2011 |
6.2011,1 |
Special issue: Women in management and organization history |
2010 |
5.2010,3/4 |
Special issue: Boycotts, buycotts and consumer activism in a global historical context |
2010 |
5.2010,2 |
Special issue: Organizing the space age |
2009 |
4.2009,3 |
Special section: Company magazines |
2008 |
3.2008,3/4 |
Special issue: Organizing revolution |
2007 |
2.2007,2 |
Symposium on counterfactual history in management and organizations part one |
2007 |
2.2007,4 |