The implications of automation and technical advances for vocational training
1966 |
Tufarelli, Nicola |
Re-training: Peoblems in overcoming reluctance to accept change
1966 |
Seymour, W. Douglas |
Provocational training as part of compulsory education
1966 |
Abel, Heinrich |
Methods of job evaluation on automated tooling
1966 |
Naville, Pierre |
Automation in Greece : summary of a paper prepared by the Greek Productivity Centre
1966 |
The extent to which use is made of automation: Its scope, size of machines, idustries uses, and prospects
1966 |
Leboucq, Philippe |
A tentative interpretation of a number of case studies of firms and industries using office computers
1966 |
Urvoy, Jacques |
The implications for the management process
1966 |
Woodward, Joan |
Some quantitative and qualitative data concerning computer personnel in 31 Dutsch firms
1966 |
Moll, F. M. |
Educational requirements and expectations by industry
1966 |
Halden, Folke |
Comparative manning practices in data processing installations
1966 |
Kruse, Julius |
The impact of technical changes on the content of semi-skilled machine operators' jobs
1966 |
Limon, Didier L. |
Manpower research unit : fourth report: Computers in offices
1966 |
Investment in modernisation and expansion of industrial capacity
1966 |
Oppenlaender, Karl-Heinrich |
Modern technical progress and economic growth
1966 |
Philip, André |
The evolution of job structures in Europe and North America
1966 |
Reinoud, H. |
Technical progress and the significance of modern trends in the location of urban populations: Aggregation, suburbanisation, the megalopolis and decentralisation of workplaces
1966 |
Rouge, Maurice-François |
Employersʹ expectations for employee qualifications in European industries
1966 |
Larke, W. M. |
Prevocational training (contents and methods) and curriculum to meet demands
1966 |
Metcalf, Lawrence E. |
Locational requirements of automated (information) industry
1966 |
Unk, Jaap M. |