On chemical synthesis
1968 |
Dalton, John |
An address to those chemists who wish to examine the laws of chemical proportions, and the theory of chemistry in general
1968 |
Berzelius, Jöns Jacob |
On the forces which regulate the internal constitution of bodies
1968 |
Mossotti, O. F. |
On some points of chemical philosophy
1968 |
Kekulé, August |
Presidential address
1968 |
Crookes, William |
The Bakerian lecture : on the elementary particles of certain crystals
1968 |
Wollaston, William Hyde |
On the cause of chemical proportions
1968 |
Berzelius, Jöns Jacob |
On the physical constitution of the universe
1968 |
Herapath, John |
Speculative ideas respecting the constitution of matter
1968 |
Graham, Thomas |
1968 |
Maxwell, J. G. |
On statistical and dynamic ideas on the atomic theory
1968 |
Mills, E. J. |
Steps towards a kinetic theory of matter
1968 |
Kelvin, William Thomson |
Remarks on the essay of Dr. Berzelius on the cause of chemical proportions
1968 |
Dalton, John |
A synoptic scale of chemical equivalents
1968 |
Wollaston, William Hyde |
Presidental address on the occasion of the presentation of the first Royal Medal of the Royal Society to John Dalton
1968 |
Davy, Humphry |
The atomic theory
1968 |
Whewell, William |
Cause of definite proportions
1968 |
Liebig, Justus von |
On the analogies between undecompounded substances
1968 |
Davy, Humphry |
Faraday lecture
1968 |
Dumas, M. J. |
On the great law which regulates matter
1968 |
Babbage, Charles |