Remarks on large claims
1981 |
Teugels, Jef L. |
Assessment of errors in household surveys
1981 |
Verma, Vijay |
Non-linear phenomena and time series models
1981 |
Ozaki, Tohru |
The impact of sampling theory on survey sampling practice : a review
1981 |
O'Muircheartaigh, Colm |
Walsh-Fourier transforms
1981 |
Morettin, Pedro A. |
Framework for the measurement and analysis of living standards
1981 |
Grootaert, Christiaan |
A new life table technique : as applied to risk assessment for a stochastic system
1981 |
Chin, Long Chiang |
The dissemination of official statistics : Technology
1981 |
Dalenius, Tore |
Data dissemination policy : with help from knowledge utilization theory
1981 |
Barabba, Vincent P. |
Probability estimation for 2 x s contingency tables and predictive criteria
1981 |
Good, I. J. |
Poverty and income distribution in Brazil, 1960-1976
1981 |
Camargo, Jose Marcio |
Error detection in statistics and policies governing its dissemination : some general considerations as a results of an Ecuadorian case-study
1981 |
Ryten, Jacob |
Microcomputers and the statistician
1981 |
Boag, Jan F. |
System analysis and design applied to statistical systems
1981 |
Nordbotten, Joan C. |
Recent advances in theory and methods for the analysis of categorical data : making the link to statistical practice
1981 |
Fienberg, Stephen E. |
L' appréciation de la qualité des comptes nationaux
1981 |
Teillet, Pierre |
Coherence and prediction
1981 |
Lane, David A. |
Energy data for developed countries
1981 |
Freedman, David |
Considerations sur l'evaluation du recensement general de la population et de l'habitat du Maroc de 1982
1981 |
Ghazali, Abdelaziz el- |
Future directions in survey sampling
1981 |
Murthy, M. N. |