Some problems in market distribution
2008 |
Shaw, A. W. |
Marketing functions and mercantile organization
2008 |
Weld, Louis D. H. |
The marketing philosophy as a way of business life
2008 |
Borch, Fred J. |
Economics, psychology, and the literature of the subdiscipline of consumer behavior
2008 |
Mittelstaedt, Robert A. |
Marketing as exchange
2008 |
Bagozzi, Richard P. |
The rise and fall of functional approach to marketing : a paradigm displacement perspective
2008 |
Hunt, Shelby D. |
The law of retail gravitation
2008 |
Reilly, William J. |
New laws of retail gravitation
2008 |
Converse, Paul D. |
The marketing revolution
2008 |
Keith, Robert J. |
How modern is modern marketing? : marketing's evolution and the myth of the "production era"
2008 |
Fullerton, Ronald A. |
Macromarketing : past, present, and possible future
2008 |
Layton, Roger A. |
On defining marketing : finding a new roadmap for marketing
2008 |
Grönroos, Christian |
A history of schools of marketing thought
2008 |
Shaw, Eric H. |
Merchandising aims and objectives
2008 |
Copeland, Melvin T. |
The commodity approach in marketing research : is it really obsolete?
2008 |
Zinn, Walter |
The marketing concept : a déjà vu
2008 |
Hollander, Stanley C. |
Scholarly traditions and European roots of American consumer research
2008 |
Kassarjian, Harold H. |
Origins of the institutional approach in marketing
2008 |
Jones, D. G. Brian |
Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing
2008 |
Vargo, Stephen L. |
Pre-Aldersonian antecedents to macromarketing : insights from the textual literature
2008 |
Savitt, Ronald |