Diplomats without portfolios : the question of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations
2005 |
Lagrange, Pierre |
"Our government as nation" : Sir Benjamin Stone's parliamentary pictures
2005 |
Edwards, Elizabeth |
Reflections on a table
2005 |
Aczel, Richard |
Heidegger and the atomic bomb
2005 |
Rorty, Richard |
Things as res publicae : making things public
2005 |
Charchordin, Oleg Valerʹevič |
Things under water : E.J. Marey's aquarium laboratory and cinema's assembly
2005 |
Shell, Hanna Rose |
Making electrons public
2005 |
Jensen, Pablo |
"Actions of interest" in surgical simulators
2005 |
Hinterwaldner, Inge |
!Viva la República Cśomica! : or the children of Humboldt and Coca-Cola
2005 |
Tresch, John |
What is it like to be face to face with a great ape?
2005 |
Herzfeld, Chris S. |
An assembly of humans, shells and gods
2005 |
Aquino, Patricia de |
Galileo's traveling circus of science
2005 |
Biagioli, Mario |
River landscaping in second mdernity
2005 |
Kropp, Cordula |
The Detroit industry murals : Diego Rivera (1886-1957)
2005 |
Pihet, Valérie |
The politics of water : a Dutch thing to keep the water out or not
2005 |
Bijker, Wiebe E. |
The architectural thing : the making of "making things public"
2005 |
Hirsch, Nikolaus |
Removing knowledge
2005 |
Galison, Peter |
An artificial being
2005 |
Powers, Richard |
Releasing market statistics
2005 |
Didier, Emmanuel |
Capitalism cartograms and world government
2005 |