Measure, quality, and optimum scale
1965 |
Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas |
Multiple comparison tests in multiresponse experiments
1965 |
Krishnaish, P. R. |
Some asymptotic expanions for the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimate
1965 |
Linnik, Yu V. |
On asymptotic expansions for sums of independent random variables with a limiting stable distribution
1963 |
Cramér, Harald |
Solution of a class of programming problems
1963 |
Sethi, V. K. |
Von Mises functionale and maximum likelihood estimation
1963 |
Kallianpur, G. |
Hypergeometric function
1963 |
Consul, P. C. |
Use of randomised rounded off weights in sample surveys
1963 |
Roy, J. |
Measurement of attrition in technical education
1960 |
Seal, K. C. |
Next steps in planning [Anniversary address at the National Institute of Sciences of India on 20.1.1959]
1960 |
Mahalanobis, P. C. |
On a problem of estimating increase in consumer demand
1960 |
Sreenivasa Iyengar, N. |
Calculation of sampling errors for index numbers
1960 |
Banerjee, K. S. |
Type-study on peak period in harvesting Aman paddy, West Bengal, December 1954-January 1955
1960 |
Som, R. K. |
A brief history of the organisation of official statistics in India during the British period
1960 |
Subramanian, S. |
Food resources and population of India
1960 |
Bansil, P. C. |
Industrialization of underdeveloped countries - a means to peace [Paper pres. at the 3. Pugwash Conference held in Kitzbuhel-Vienna in Sept. 1958]
1960 |
Mahalanobis, P. C. |
A pilot health survey in West Bengal, 1955
1959 |
Poti, S. J. |
Random processes in economic theory and analysis
1959 |
Moran, P. A. P. |
Precision in the construction of cost of living index nunbers
1959 |
Banerjee, K. S. |
Price indexes and sampling
1959 |
Hofsten, Erland v. |