Rational behavior and econcomic behavior
2008 |
Katona, George |
Radical behaviorism and consumer research : theoretical promise and empirical problems
2008 |
Foxall, Gordon R. |
Consumer culture and the culture of poverty : implications for marketing theory and practice
2008 |
Hill, Ronald Paul |
The changing role of marketing in the corporation
2008 |
Webster, Frederick E. |
Blurring the lines : is there a need to rethink industrial marketing?
2008 |
Wind, Yoram |
Behavioral decision research : a constructive processing perspective
2008 |
Payne, John W. |
An ecofeminist analysis of environmentally sensitive women using qualitative methodology : the emancipatory potential of an ecological life
2008 |
Dobscha, Susan |
The rediscovery of the marketing concept
2008 |
Webster, Frederick E. |
What the hell is "market oriented"?
2008 |
Shapiro, Benson P. |
Narver and Slater, Kohli and Jaworski and the market orientation construct : integration and internationalization
2008 |
Cadogan, John W. |
Studies in the new consumer behaviour
2008 |
Belk, Russell W. |
Consumer researchers : take a hike!
2008 |
Zaltman, Gerald |
Marketplace mythology and discourses of power
2008 |
Thompson, Craig J. |
The role of marketing
2008 |
Moorman, Christine |
Industrial marketing : an organizational problem?
2008 |
Håkansson, Håkan |
Consumer culture theory (CCT) : twenty years of research
2008 |
Arnould, Erich J. |
Losing consciousness : automatic influences on consumer judgment, behavior, and motivation
2008 |
Bargh, John A. |
Marketing, strategic planning and the theory of the firm
2008 |
Anderson, Paul F. |
Dyadic business relationships within a business network context
2008 |
Anderson, James C. |