The debate on the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the western Baltic: a central European perspective
1999 |
Klassen, Lutz |
[Rezension von: Viborg Søndersø 1000-1300, byarkæologiske undersøgelser 1981 og 1984-85, red.: Jesper Hjermind...]
1999 |
Skov, Hans |
Bronze Age Settlements and Land Use in the South Thy Sandhills /David Liversage
1999 |
Liversage, David |
Hedegård: a rich village and cemetery complex of the Early Iron Age on the Skjern river: an interim report
1999 |
Madsen, Orla |
[Rezension von: Military aspects of Scandinavian society in a European perspective, AD 1 - 1300, papers from an International Research Seminar at the Danish National Museum, Copenhagen, 2-4 May 1996, ed. by Anne Nørgård Jørgensen & Birthe L. Clausen]
1999 |
Dahlgren, Mikael |
[Rezension von: Jochim, Michael A., A hunter-gatherer landscape, southwest Germany in the late Paleolithic and Mesolithic]
1999 |
Eriksen, Berit V. |
Food Remains from the Gut of the Huldremose Bog Body
1999 |
Holden, Timothy G. |
The dynamic of the Iron-age village: a technique for the relativ-chronological analysis of area-excavated Iron-age settlements
1999 |
Holst, Mads K. |
Where did all the farmers come from?
1999 |
Peterson, Håkan |
Integrity and characteristics of the bones of the Danish King St Knud (2) the Holy (+AD 1086)
1999 |
Rahbek, Uffe |
Pollen Analyses from Early Bronze Age Barrows in Thy
1999 |
Andersen, Svend Th. |
Shards for Beads?
1999 |
Gam Aschenbrenner, Tine |
Riding gear from Late Viking-age Denmark
1999 |
Pedersen, Anne |
Tårnby - a farm of the period 1100-1800: an analysis of the medieval farm
1998 |
Svart Kristiansen, Mette |
Medieval castles and castle mounds on the islands south of Fyn.: the situation after 50 years' archaeological investigations
1998 |
Skaarup, Jørgen |
Ringkloster: Ertebølle trappers and wild boar hunters in eastern Jutland: a survey
1998 |
Andersen, Søren H. |
Danish niello inlays from the Iron Age: a technological investigation
1998 |
Stemann Petersen, Karen |
Pollen analytical investigations of barrows from the Funnel Beaker and Single Grave Cultures in the Vroue area, West Jutland, Denmark
1998 |
Andersen, Svend Th. |
Aggemose - Part II. Refitting and wall effect
1998 |
Grøn, Ole |
Radiocaron datings at Ringkloster
1998 |
Rasmussen, Kare Lund |