Against whig history
2008 |
Lamoreaux, Naomi R. |
Culture and the practice of business history
2008 |
Lipartito, Kenneth |
The challenge of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. : retrospect and prospect
2008 |
McCraw, Thomas K. |
British business history and the culture of business
2008 |
Westall, Oliver M. |
Beyond markets and hierarchies : toward a new synthesis of American business history
2008 |
Lamoreaux, Naomi R. |
The emergence of the large-scale company in Great Britain, 1870 - 1914
2008 |
Payne, Peter Lester |
Neither modularity nor relational contracting : inter-firm collaboration in the new economy
2008 |
Sabel, Charles F. |
The vanishing hand : the changing dynamics of industrial capitalism
2008 |
Langlois, Richard N. |
Managing foucault : foucault, management and organization theory
2008 |
McKinlay, Alan |
Why do firms differ, and how does it matter?
2008 |
Nelson, Richard R. |
Determinants and effects of employing professional corporate executives : a case of cotton spinning companies in pre-war Japan
2008 |
Okazaki, Tetsuji |
Managing the mills : labor policy in the American steel industry, 1892 - 1937
2008 |
Rees, Jonathan |
Cochran's legacy : a cultural path not taken
2008 |
Sicilia, David B. |
Scale and scope : Alfred Chandler and the dynamics of industrial capitalism
2008 |
Supple, Barry |
Capabilities and governance : the rebirth of production in the theory of economic organization
2008 |
Langlois, Richard N. |
Accounting for the achievements of capitalism : Alfred Chandler's business history
2008 |
Maier, Charles S. |
Contributions and impediments of economic analysis to the study of strategic management
2008 |
Teece, David J. |
The dynamics of industrial capitalism : perspectives on Alfred Chandler's scale and scope
2008 |
Teece, David J. |
Microanalytic business history
2008 |
Williamson, Oliver E. |