Getting our history right : how were the equal rights of women and men included in the charter of the United Nations?
2008 |
Skard, Torild |
Gender, rights and development : an East African perspective
2008 |
Kameri-Mbote, Patricia |
The Chinese development of Tibet : Lhasa in transformation
2008 |
Nyima, Tashi |
Unfolding women's engagement with development and the UN : pointers for the future
2008 |
Jain, Devaki |
Limits to donor influence: Ethiopia, aid and conditionality
2008 |
Borchgrevink, Axel |
Cash transfers contributing to social protection: a review of evaluation findings
2008 |
Villanger, Espen |
Historical justice and socio-economic development : tensions in South Africa's land resolution programme
2008 |
Hellum, Anne |
Social sciences and the next development agenda
2008 |
Mkandawire, Thandika |
Trouble in Eden: how and why unresolved land issues landed "Peaceful Kenya" in trouble in 2008
2008 |
Kameri-Mbote, Patricia |
Promoting the status of women in the UN system : experiences from an inside journey
2008 |
Skard, Torild |
Woodfuel discourses and the re-framing of wood energy
2007 |
Cline-Cole, R. A. |
Arab foreign aid : disbursement patterns, aid policies and motives
2007 |
Villanger, Espen |
The role of the state in development in the Middle East : lessons from Syria
2007 |
Schmidt, Søren |
On new social movements and "the reinvention of India"
2007 |
Nilsen, Alf Gunvald |
Comparing critical junctures : the democratic inclusion of social movements in Norway and Latin America
2007 |
Bull, Benedicte |
The private university sector in Nigeria : a developmentalist perspective
2007 |
Osaghae, Eghosa E. |
Microfinance and poverty reduction : is there a trade-off? : a case study from rural Bangladesh
2006 |
Shekh, M. Nurul I. |
From market economy to capitalistic plan economy
2006 |
Lundkvist, Anders |
Vernacular land markets and the changing face of customary land tenure in Africa
2005 |
Chimhowu, Admos |
From new era to neo-liberalism : US strategy on trade, finance and development in the United Nations, 1964 - 82
2005 |
Toye, John F. J. |