Streakiness is not a theory : on "momentums" (hot hands) and their underlying mechanisms
2023 |
Morgulev, Elia |
No mood effects in the field : the case of car inspections
2023 |
Samahita, Margaret |
The association between saving disposition and financial distress : a genetically informed approach
2023 |
Giannelis, Alexandros |
Endocrine state is the physical manifestation of subjective beliefs
2023 |
Smith, Trenton G. |
"Born this way"? : prenatal exposure to testosterone may determine behavior in competition and conflict
2023 |
Brañas-Garza, Pablo |
Undervaluation versus unaffordability as negotiation tactics : evidence from a field experiment
2023 |
Bhattacharya, Haimanti |
Conditionality of adaptiveness : investigating the relationship between numeracy and adaptive behavior
2023 |
Mondal, Supratik |
Measuring economic competence of youth with a short scale
2023 |
Oberrauch, Luis |
The informational affective tie mechanism : on the role of uncertainty, context, and attention in caring
2023 |
Winden, Frans A. A. M. van |
Dynamic fairness in repeated bargaining with risk
2023 |
Hyndman, Kyle |
The good, bad and ugly of information (un)processing : Homo Economicus, Homo Heuristicus and Homo Ignorans
2023 |
Tinghög, Gustav |
Smiles behind a mask are detectable and affect judgments of attractiveness, trustworthiness, and competence
2023 |
Hopfensitz, Astrid |
Ovulatory shift, hormonal changes, and no effects on incentivized decision-making
2023 |
Fišar, Miloš |
Multilateral bargaining with subjective claims under majority vs. unanimity rule : an experiment
2023 |
Merkel, Anna |
A "more-is-better" heuristic in anticommons dilemmas : psychological insights from a new anticommons bargaining game
2023 |
Kwaadsteniet, Erik W. de |
Self-serving bias in redistribution choices : accounting for beliefs and norms
2023 |
Amasino, Dianna R. |
Challenges in studying the interplay of genes and environment : a study of childhood financial distress moderating genetic predisposition for peak smoking
2023 |
Bierut, Laura |
The effect of perceived similarity and social proximity on the formation of prosocial preferences
2023 |
Schütt, Christoph |
Replication: Do coaches stick with what barely worked? : evidence of outcome bias in sports
2023 |
Meier, Pascal Flurin |
Transcranial stimulation over the medial prefrontal cortex increases money illusion
2023 |
Li, Jianbiao |