Credit policy and the balance of payments in developing countries
1980 |
Aghevli, Bijan B. |
A primer on inflation
1980 |
Harberger, Arnold C. |
Black-Market exchange-rate expectations and the domestic demand for money: some empirical results
1980 |
Blejer, Mario I. |
Farm size and credit policy
1980 |
Rao, C. H. Hanumantha |
The ability of the monetary authorities to control the stock of money in LDCs
1980 |
Park, Yung Chul |
The promotion of the "banking habit" and economic development
1980 |
Porter, Richard C. |
Financial intermediation and economic growth in less developed countries: a theoretical approach
1980 |
Galbis, Vicente |
Saving and flow of funds analysis: a tool for financial planning in India
1980 |
Bhatt, V. V. |
The efficacy of monetary rules for LDCs
1980 |
Coats, Warren L. |
Money and monetary policy in less developed countries: survey of issues and evidence
1980 |
Coats, Warren L. |
Government deficits and the inflationary process in developing countries
1980 |
Aghevli, Bijan B. |
What kind of macroeconometric model for developing economies?
1980 |
Klein, Larry R. |
Interest rates and the structure of agricultural credit markets
1980 |
Long, Millard |
The velocity of money and per capital income in developing economies: Malaysia and Singapore
1980 |
Short, Brock K. |
A semiannual macroeconometric model of the Philippines, 1967-76
1980 |
Villanueva, D. P. |
Credit planning in India: its rationale and content
1980 |
Narasimham, M. |
Recent evolution of monetary policy in India
1980 |
Pendharkar, V. G. |
Selective credit controls in underdeveloped economies
1980 |
Patel, I. G. |
Narrow security markets and monetary policy: lessons from Pakistan
1980 |
Porter, Richard C. |
Variable expectations and the demand for money in high inflation countries
1980 |
Khan, Mohsin S. |