The dynamics of interdependence in organizations
2007 |
Tjosvold, Dean |
Personal initiative at work : differences between East and West Germany
2007 |
The relationship between coping and emotion : implications for theory and research
2007 |
Folkman, Susan |
Work groups and teams in organizations
2007 |
Kozlowski, Steve W. J. |
Measuring climate for work group innovation : development and validation of the team climate inventory
2007 |
Anderson, Neil R. |
A work values approach to corporate culture : a field test of the value congruence process and its relationship to individual outcomes
2007 |
Meglino, Bruce M. |
Work group diversity and group performance : an integrative model and research agenda
2007 |
Knippenberg, Daan van |
Does the transactional-transformational leadership paradigm transcend organizational and national boundaries?
2007 |
Bass, Bernard M. |
Culture specific and cross-culturally generalizable implicit leadership theories : are attributes of charismatic, transformational leadership universally endorsed
2007 |
Feeling good-doing good : a conceptual analysis of the mood at work-organizational spontaneity relationship
2007 |
George, Jennifer M. |
Predicting employee life satisfaction : a coherent model of personality, work and nonwork experiences, and domain satisfactions
2007 |
Hart, Peter M. |
Time and transition in work teams : toward a new model of group development
2007 |
Gersick, Connie J. G. |
A meta-analysis of the relation between personality traits and leadership perceptions : an application of validity generalization procedures
2007 |
Lord, Robert G. |
The social psychology of creativity : a componential conceptualization
2007 |
Amabile, Teresa M. |
Violating the psychological contract : not the expception but the norm
2007 |
Robinson, Sandra L. |
Images of a culture in transition : personal constructs of organizational stability and change
2007 |
Langan-Fox, Janice |
Climate strength : a new direction for climate research
2007 |
Schneider, Benjamin |
Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain : implications for job redesign
2007 |
Karasek, Robert A. |
The measurement of experienced burnout
2007 |
Maslach, Christina |
The person-environment fit approach to stress : recurring problems and some suggested solutions
2007 |
Edwards, Jeffrey R. |