Education and development
1968 |
Adiseshiah, M. S. |
Le développement agricole et l'éducation
1968 |
Dumont, René |
Concerning the role of education in development
1968 |
Anderson, C. Arnold |
On total productivity and all that
1968 |
Domar, Evsey D. |
Necessity of raising the level of education of the workers during the period of full-scale construction of comunism : reconstruction of the public education system in the USSR, and prospects for its further development
1968 |
The relationship between economic development and the development of education
1968 |
Komarov, V. E. |
The significance of education
1968 |
La rentabilité de l'investissement humain
1968 |
Eicher, Jean-Claude |
Investment in man, an economist's view
1968 |
Schultz, Theodore W. |
Knowledge, skill labelling, and market
1968 |
Leibenstein, Harvey |
The living capital of the United Kingdom
1968 |
Nicholson, J. S. |
Economic and social aspects of the planning of education
1968 |
Phillips, H. M. |
On-the-job training, Costs, returns, and some implications
1968 |
Mincer, Jacob |
A manpower planning strategy
1968 |
Harbison, Frederick H. |
The pace of innovation and the demand for human skills
1968 |
Hill, Samuel E. |
The economics of education : a comment
1968 |
Horobin, G. W. |
Selections concerning the training of qualified specilists : factors affecting the demand for specialists, and methods of determining future requirements
1968 |
Education and economic development
1968 |
Lewis, Willian Arthur |
Investment in human capital, a theoretical analysis
1968 |
Becker, Gary S. |
Education and economic growth : resources entering into education
1968 |
Schultz, Theodore W. |