Introduction: peacebuilding in an era of pragmatism
2018 |
Moe, Louise Wiuff |
Russian 'deniable' intervention in Ukraine : how and why Russia broke the rules
2014 |
Allison, Roy |
Strategic taboos : chemical weapons and US foreign policy
2014 |
Bentley, Michelle |
Reconciliation and research in Afghanistan : an analytical narrative
2014 |
Waldman, Thomas |
The First World War and the transformations of the state
2014 |
Purseigle, Pierre |
A century on the edge : from Cold War to hot world, 1945-2045
2014 |
Rogers, Paul |
The UN and the African Union in Mali and beyond : a shotgun wedding?
2014 |
Weiss, Thomas G. |
Human conflict and ecosystem services : finding the environmental price of warfare
2014 |
Francis, Robert A. |
Nuclear fears, hopes and realities in Pakistan
2014 |
Hoodbhoy, Pervez |
British foreign policy and the national interest
2014 |
Edmunds, Timothy |
Organizing for British national strategy
2014 |
Evans, Alexander |
Waiting for Kant: devaluing and delegitimizing nuclear weapons
2014 |
Ritchie, Nick |
Origins of the norm against chemical weapons
2014 |
Jefferson, Catherine |
The peace movement : overview of a British brand leader
2014 |
Ceadel, Martin |
The origins of the First World War
2014 |
Strachan, Hew |
1914 and 2014 : should we be worried?
2014 |
MacMillan, Margaret |
Leaving Vietnam : Nixon, Kissinger and Ford, 1969-1975 ; part two: January 1972-January 1973
2014 |
Warner, Geoffrey |
After independence? The challenges and benefits of Scottish–UK defence cooperation
2014 |
Fleming, Colin |
Environmental insecurity and fortress mentality
2014 |
The roots to peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo: conservation as a platform for green development
2014 |
Milburn, Richard |