Toward a wisdom-based approach to strategic management
2007 |
Bierly, Paul E. |
The wise negotiator
2007 |
Lewicki, Roy J. |
Team wisdom : definition, dynamics, and applications
2007 |
Nielsen, Tjai M. |
The virtue of prudence
2007 |
Bartunek, Jean M. |
Aesthetics and wisdom in the practice of organization development
2007 |
Burke, W. Warner |
Wisdom and human resource management
2007 |
DeNisi, Angelo S. |
Interpersonal relations in organizations and the emergence of wisdom
2007 |
Vaill, Peter B. |
Wisdom in organizations : a balance theory analysis
2007 |
Jordan, Jennifer |
Interpretive wisdom
2007 |
Gioia, Dennis A. |
Can wisdom be taught?
2007 |
Fukami, Cynthia V. |
Wisdom, culture, and organizations
2007 |
Earley, P. Christopher |
Innovation and organizational wisdom
2007 |
De Meyer, Arnoud |
The getting of wisdom : self-coduct, personal identity, and wisdom across the life span
2007 |
Nicholson, Nigel |
"We live in a political world" : the paradox of managerial wisdom
2007 |
Pitsis, Tyrone S. |
Objectivism as the proper philosophy for living on earth
2007 |
Locke, Edwin A. |
Institutionalizing wisdom in organizations
2007 |
Lawrence, Paul R. |
Strategy, wisdom, and stakeholder theory : a pragmatic and entrepreneurial view of stakeholder strategy
2007 |
Freeman, R. Edward |
Acting wisely while facing ethical dilemmas in leadership
2007 |
Conger, Jay |
Individual aesthetics : self-interest
2007 |
Cropanzano, Russell |
Emotional and social intelligence competencies are wisdom in practice
2007 |
Boyatzis, Richard E. |