Electrophysiological evidence for age effects on sensory memory processing of tonal patterns
2012 |
Rimmele, Johanna |
Age-based structural dynamics between perceptual speed and knowledge in the Berlin Aging Study : direct evidence for ability dedifferentiation in old age
2003 |
Ghisletta, Paolo |
Aging and the psychological refractory period : Task-coordination strategies in young and old adults
2000 |
Glass, Jennifer M. |
Choice-supportive source monitoring : Do our decision seem better to us as we age
2000 |
Mather, Mara |
A comparison of primary stressors, secondary stressors, and depressive symptoms between elderly caregiving husbands and wives : The caregiver health effects study
2000 |
Bookwala, Jamila |
Aging and the Ranschburg effect : No evidence of reduced responses suppression in old age
2000 |
Maylor, Elizabeth A. |
Associations among NEO personality assessments and well-being at midlife : Facet-Level Analyses
2000 |
Siegler, Ilene C. |
Person-specific paths of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease and their relation to age
2000 |
Wilson, Robert S. |
Structural constraints on process explanations in cognitve aging
2000 |
Salthouse, Timothy A. |
Longitudinal relationship between depressive symptoms and health in normal older and middle-aged adults
2000 |
Meeks, Suzanne |
Centrality of women's multiple roles : Beneficial and detrimental consequences for psychological well-being
2000 |
Matire, Lynn M. |
Age-related differences in collision detection during deceleration
2000 |
Andersen, George J. |
Negative and positive health effects of caring for a disabled spouse : Longitudinal findings from the caregiver health effects study
2000 |
Beach, Scott R. |
Personal theories, intellectual ability, and epistemological beliefs : Adult age differences in everyday reasoning biases
2000 |
Klaczynski, Paul A. |
Developmental paths of psychological health from early adolescence to later adulthood
2000 |
Jones, Constance J. |
Age differences in feeling-of-knowing and confidence judgments as a function of knowledge domain
2000 |
Marquié, Jean Claude |
Instance-based automaticity and aging : Acquisition, reacquisition, and long-term retention
2000 |
Jenkins, Lisa |
Aging and reflective processes of working memory : Binding and test load deficits
2000 |
Mitchell, Karen J. |
Autonomic, subjective, and expressive responses to emotional films in older and younger Chinese Americans and European Americans
2000 |
Tsai, Jeanne L. |
Prospective memory and aging : Forgetting intentions over short delays
2000 |
Einstein, Gilles O. |