Electrophysiological evidence for age effects on sensory memory processing of tonal patterns
2012 |
Rimmele, Johanna |
Age-based structural dynamics between perceptual speed and knowledge in the Berlin Aging Study : direct evidence for ability dedifferentiation in old age
2003 |
Ghisletta, Paolo |
Role specific feeling of control and mortality
2000 |
Krause, Neal |
Inhibitory inefficiency and failures of intention activation : Age-related decline in the control of saccadic eye movements
2000 |
Nieuwenhuis, Sander |
Cross-cultural differences in memory : The role of culture-based stereotypes about aging
2000 |
Yoon, Carolyn |
Item analyses of age relations on reasoning tests
2000 |
Salthouse, Timothy A. |
Further evidence that negative priming in the stroop color-word task is equivalent in older and younger adults
2000 |
Little, Deborah M. |
Effect of off-target verbosity on communication efficiency in a referential communication task
2000 |
Arbuckle, Tannis Y. |
Age-related changes in the control of attention in depth
2000 |
Atchley, Paul |
Listening to discourse distracting settings : The effects of aging
2000 |
Schneider, Bruce A. |
Psychological treatment of secondary insomnia
2000 |
Lichtstein, Kenneth L. |
Evaluations by staff, residents, and community seniors of patronizing speech in the nursing home : Impact of passive, assertive, or humorous responses
2000 |
Ryan, Ellen Bouchard |
Experience-based attenuation of age-related differences in music cognition task
2000 |
Meinz, Elizabeth |
Auditory habituation in young and older adults : The verbal transformation effect
2000 |
Pilotti, Maura |
Memorizing while walking : Increase in dural-task costs from young adulthood to old age
2000 |
Lindenberger, Ulman |
Modeling caregiver adaptation over time : The longitudinal impact of behavior problems
2000 |
Gaugler, Joseph E. |
Age and emotional response to the Northridge earthquake : A longitudinal study
2000 |
Kinght, Bob G. |
The effects of learning a new algorithm on asymptotic accuracy and execution speed in old age : A reanalysis
2000 |
Verhaeghen, Paul |
A speed-accuracy analysis of word recognition in young and older adults
2000 |
Laver, Gary D. |
Complex semantic processing in old age : Does it stay or does it go?
2000 |
Mayr, Ulrich |