Diffusion and colonial anthropology : theories of change in the context of Jesup 1
2003 |
Lee, Molly |
The Jesup expedition and the modernization of North Pacific natural history
2003 |
Hoffmann, Robert S. |
The languages of the North Pacific rim, 1897-1997, and the Jesup expedition
2003 |
Krauss, Michael E. |
Genetic prehistory of Paleoasiatic-speaking populations of Northeastern Siberia and their relationships to native Americans
2003 |
Schurr, Theodore G. |
"The aim of the expedition ... has in the main been accomplished" : words, deeds, and legacies of the Jesup North Pacific expedition
2003 |
Krupnik, Igor |
Failing at Bering Strait? : Jesup North Pacific expedition and the study of culture contact
2003 |
Schweitzer, Peter P. |
The Jesup expedition and its analogues : a comparison
2003 |
Freed, Stanley A. |
Franz Boas and an "unfinished Jesup" on Shakalin island : shedding new light on Berthold Laufer and Bronislaw Pilsudski
2003 |
Inoue, Koichi |
Louis Shotridge and indigenous Tlingit ethnography : then and now
2003 |
Marks Dauenhauer, Nora |
Bilingual/bicultural informants and interpreters of the Jesup expedition era
2003 |
Kan, Sergei |
The post-Jesup century of research into the prehistory of Northeastern Siberia
2003 |
Arutiunov, Sergei A. |
In memory of Vladimir Ivanov-Unarov, 1937-2000
2003 |
Mandelstam Balzer, Marjorie |
The invention and perpetuation of culture : the Boasian legacy and two 20th century woman totem pole carvers
2003 |
Jonaitis, Aldona |
Beyond Boas? - re-assessing the contribution of "informant" and "research assistant" : James A. Teit
2003 |
Wickwire, Wendy |
Life in lost villages : home, land, memory and the senses of loss in post-Jesup Kamchatka
2003 |
Koester, David |
The revitalization of the traditional culture of Northeast Siberian peoples : the role of the Jesup expedition
2003 |
Ivanov-Unarov, Vladimir Kh. |
The so-called "eskimo wedge" : a century after Jesup
2003 |
Dumond, Don E. |
Franz Boas and the music of the Northwest Coast indians
2003 |
Jacknis, Ira |
Heritage anthropology in the "Jesup-2" era : exploring North Pacific cultures through cooperative research
2003 |
Fitzhugh, William W. |
Aleut archaeology and cultural heritage : the legacy of the Jesup North Pacific expedition
2003 |
Loring, Stephen |