53rd annual meeting / Biophysical Society : February 28 - March 4, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts ; abstracts issue CD-ROM |
2009 |
96.2009,4,CD-ROM |
Abstracts issue 51 March, 3 - 7, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland |
2007 |
92,suppl. |
51th annual meeting / Biophysical Society : March 03 - 07, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland |
2007 |
92.2007,1,2 |
49th annual meeting / Biophysical Society : February 12 - 16, 2005, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California |
2005 |
88.2005,1,2 |
Abstracts issue 48 February 14 - 18, 2004, Baltimore, Maryland |
2004 |
86,1,2 |
48th annual meeting / Biophysical Society : February 14 - 18, 2004, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland |
2004 |
86.2004,1,2 |
47th annual meeting / Biophysical Society : March 1 - 5, 2003, San Antonio, Texas |
2003 |
84.2003,2,2 |
Abstracts issue 47 March 1 - 5, 2003, San Antonio, Texas |
2003 |
84,2,2 |
46th annual meeting / Biophysical Society : February 23 - 27, 2002, San Francisco, California |
2002 |
82.2002,1,2 |
Abstracts issue 46 Febr. 23 - 27, 2002, San Francisco, Calif. |
2002 |
82,1,2 |
45th annual meeting / Biophysical Society : February 17 - 21, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts |
2001 |
80.2001,1,2 |
Abstracts issue 45 February 17 - 21, 2001, John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Center, Boston, Massachusetts |
2001 |
80,1,2 |
Abstracts issue 44 February 12 - 16, 2000, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana |
2000 |
78,1,2 |
Abstracts, 44th annual meeting / Biophysical Society : February 12 - 16, 2000, New Orleans, La. |
2000 |
78.2000,1,2 |
Program and abstracts 43 February 13 - 17 1999, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland |
1999 |
76,1,2 |
Program and abstracts 42 February 22 - 26 1998, H. Roe Bartle Hall Kansas City Convention Center, Knasas City, Missouri |
1998 |
74,2,2 |
Program and abstracts 41 March 2 - 6, 1997, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana - 1997 |
1997 |
72,2,2 |
Program and abstracts 40 February 17-21, 1996, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland |
1996 |
70,2,2 |
Molecular motors: structure, mechanics and energy transduction |
1995 |
68,4, Suppl. |
Molecular motors : structure, mechanics and energy transduction |
1995 |
68,4,Suppl. |