Using a system dynamics model to analyse the impacts of transport pricing policies
2006 |
Fiorello, Davide |
Americans and their "wheels" : a tax policy for sustainable mobility
2006 |
Hymel, Mona L. |
Road pricing in theory and practice : a Canadian perspective
2006 |
Duff, David G. |
The earmarking of revenues within environmental tax policy
2006 |
Dias Soares, Claudia |
Environmental tax reform and competitiveness
2006 |
Speck, Stefan |
Producing electricity from renewable energy sources : fiscal measures in Australia
2006 |
Gillies, Peter |
An investigation into waste taxes and charges
2006 |
Dunne, Louise |
Fee and rebate systems to foster ecologically sound urban waste management
2006 |
Puig-Ventosa, Ignasi |
The economic analysis of voluntary to environmental protection
2006 |
Brau, Rinaldo |
Environmental taxes compared with environmental penalties
2006 |
Määttä, Kalle |
The deductibility of environmental fines, penalties and payments from income : a comparison of the Australian and Canadian approaches
2006 |
Chalifour, N. J. |
Environmental charges in Russia : from the taxation approach to the charge model
2006 |
Rechel, J. |
Charging for the use of roads : policies and recent initiatives
2006 |
Perkins, Stephen |
The American love affair with cars : the mixed beats of taxation's background music
2006 |
Milne, Janet E. |
Fiscal instruments and the management of transition to sustainable mobility in Australia : challenges and prospects
2006 |
Ashiabor, Hope |
Environmental taxation and the double dividend hypothesis
2006 |
Migliavacca, Stefania |
Ecological tax reform in Germany : history, design, marketing, experiences and impacts
2006 |
Schlegelmilch, Kai |
Towards a general environmental tax code . a review of Spanish, regional and international experiences
2006 |
Herrera, Pedro |
Sings of a greening tax system in Flanders?
2006 |
Bachus, Kris |
The use of environmental taxation incentives to encourage investment in solar power
2006 |