Wind power in Canada
2007 |
Duff, David G. |
Legal machanisms to promote the use of renewable sources of energy in Mexico : the role of taxation
2007 |
González Márquez, José Juan |
Tax incentives to renewable energy sources in Malaysia : a critical appraisal
2007 |
Ansari, Abdul Haseeb |
Environmental taxes in the United States
2007 |
Richards, Kenneth R. |
The use of environmental taxes as a water management strategy
2007 |
Fort, Denise D. |
Conserving native vegetation on private land : subsidizing sustainable use of biodiversity?
2007 |
Stoianoff, Natalie P. |
Tax incentives policy for fuel efficiency : does it really work?
2007 |
Tavallali, Rahmat |
Government spending on Canada's oil and gas industry : undermining Canada's Kyoto commitments
2007 |
Taylor, Amy |
The case of renewable energy sources in the European Union : between market liberalization and public intervention
2007 |
Soares, Claudia Dias |
Recent developments in the use of environmental and energy taxes in South Africa
2007 |
Du Plessis, Willemien |
Australia's greenhouse measures provide the answer to reducing greenhouse gas emissions : the alternative to "environmentally related taxes'?
2007 |
Mortimore, Anna |
The effect of special provisions in the framework of energy taxes on environmental effectiveness : the case of Germany
2007 |
Kohlhaas, Michael |
Tackling the growth in international road haulage using economic instruments : a case of the Czech Republic
2007 |
Máca, Vojtěch |
Towards an international certificate system : the stimulating example of Belgium
2007 |
Verhaegen, Karolien |
Green subsidies : politically popular, economically costly, environmentally ambiguous
2007 |
Görres, Anselm |
Environmental taxation : a tool to advance eco-justice?
2007 |
Lockhart, Julie A. |
Environmental taxation of fertilizers in Europe : policy design, outcome, and future potential
2007 |
Söderholm, Patrick |
Introducing a kerosene tax : attitudes of European and other countries and new legal possibilities of the EU energy tax directive
2007 |
Schlegelmilch, Kai |
The political economy of integrating markets for tradable renewable energy credits : lessons from the Swedish-Norwegian case
2007 |
Söderholm, Patrik |
External effects from power production and the treatment of wind energy (and other renewables) in the Danish energy taxation system
2007 |