Co-operatives report of the Secretary-General on studies made and assistance provides by the United Nations, the International Labour Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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Veröffentlicht in:Vereinte Nationen. Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat Official records / United Nations, Economic and Social Council
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Veröffentlicht: 1960
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Commodity and trade problems of developing countries : Institutional arrangements ; Report of the Group of Experts appointed under Economic and Social Council resolution 919 (XXXIV) 1963
Conference on International Travel and Tourism: note by the secretary-general 1962
Programmes of technical co-operation 1962
Report on activities in relation to full employment objectives : Full employment policies ; Measures for alleviating position if unemployed and under.employed persons 1962
United Nations assistance for the advancement of women in developing countries 1962
Co-operatives : report of the Secretary-General on studies made and assistance provides by the United Nations, the International Labour Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1960
Evaluation of long-term economic projections : a prel. report by the Secretary-General 1960
Expanded programme of technical assistance: Report of the Technical Assistance Committee 1958
Reports of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 1954
Regular programme of technical assistance : Expanded programme of technical assistance: report of the Technical Assistance Committee 1954
Expanded programme of technical assistance: report of the Technical Assistance Committee 1954
Report (E/2351 and Add. 1) 1953
Report (E/2351 and Add. 1) 1953
Analysis by the International Monetary Fund of the adequacy of monetary reserves : document E/2454 1953
The role of labour in programmes for increasing productivity, and measures needed to safeguard the interests of workers: working paper by the International Labour Office : document E/2440 1953
Report of the International Refugee Organization 1952
Interim Report of the Economic Commission for Europe: report of the Economic Committee (E/1245) 1949
Interim Report of the Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East: report of the Economic Committee (E/1244) (E/1244/Rev. 1, E/1254) 1949
Report of the Council NGO, Committee on Applications of Non-governmental Organizations for Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council : 2 March 1947 ; Document E/298 1947
Proposals by the delegation of the United States of America for a United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources : 14 Sept. 1946 ; Document E/139 1947
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