The bad, the worse and the worst : guesstimating the level of corruption
2002 |
Sík, Endre |
Clientelism and exortion : corruption in transition
2002 |
Sajó, András |
Pollitical corruption, democratization, and reform
2002 |
Philp, Mark |
From political clientelism to outright corruption - the rise of the scandal industry
2002 |
Blankenburg, Erhard |
Clientelism and corruption in South Korea
2002 |
Kim, Joongi |
Corruption and administrative barriers for russian business
2002 |
Radaev, Vadim |
The impact of corruption on legitimacy of authority in new democracies
2002 |
Kolarska-Bobińska, Lena |
Structural corruption of party-funding models : governmental favoritism in Bulgaria and Russia
2002 |
Smilov, Daniel |
Post-soviet corruption outburst in post-conflict Tajikistan
2002 |
Mirzoev, Tokhir |
Liberalism, geopolitics, social justice
2002 |
Kotkin, Stephen |
Dilemmas of corruption control
2002 |
Jacobs, James B. |
Russia's distorted anticorruption campaigns
2002 |
Coulloudon, Virginie |
Kompromat and corruption in Russia
2002 |
Szilágyi, Àkos |
Corruption in Czech privatization : the dangers of "neo-liberal" privatization
2002 |
Reed, Quentin |
Corruption : an analytical map
2002 |
Gambetta, Diego |
The impact of corruption on economic development : applying "third world" insights to the former second world
2002 |
Hutchcroft, Paul |
Games of corruption : East Central Europe, 1945-1999
2002 |
Hankiss, Elemér |