Wissenschaft, Africa and the cultural process according to Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803)
2004 |
Ustorf, Werner |
European perceptions of Islam in Africa : missionarities, administrators and scholars
2004 |
Levtzion, Nehemia |
The sociology of religion and the possibility of African society : some theoretical remarks
2004 |
Macamo, Elisio |
"Friend of Africa" : J. H. Oldham (1874-1969), missions and British colonial policy in the 1920s
2004 |
Clements, Keith |
From rationality to creativity : ritual activity and religious experience in the work of Edward Evans-Pritchard (1902-1973) and Victor Turner (1920-1983)
2004 |
Förster, Till |
German Koran translations and their reception in North Africa
2004 |
Haggag, Mahmud |
Thomas Fowell Buxton (1786-1844) : his impact on Christian mission in Africa
2004 |
Gaiya, Musa A. B. |
"They have laid hold of some essential truths" : Edwin W. Smith (1876-1957), a wise listener to African voices
2004 |
Young, W. John |
Geoffrey Parrinder (*1910) and the study of religion in West Africa
2004 |
Walls, Andrew F. |
Bengt Sundkler (1909-1995) : sixty years of engagement with Africa
2004 |
Steed, Christopher |
Catching the wind : some remarks on the growing interface of migration studies and studies on African religious
2004 |
Hock, Klaus |
Introduction : historiography and European perceptions of African religious history
2004 |
Ludwig, Frieder |
"They became slaves of their definitions" : Okot p'Bitek (1931-1982) and the European traditions in the study of African religions
2004 |
Rinsum, Henk J. van |
A tale of two Germans and the Yoruba of Nigeria : Leo Frobenius (1873-1938) and Ulli Beier (*1922)
2004 |
Olupona, Jacob K. |
Sources in mission archives
2004 |
Jones, Adam |
Dutch merchants, missionaries, and academics on African religious, 1594-2000 : their earliest contributions
2004 |
Platvoet, Jan G. |
The dialectic of the French enlightenment for Africans : thinking alterity in Abbé Grégoire, Condorcet, Ch. de Brosses and Olympe de Gouges
2004 |
Bidima, Jean-Godefroy |
John Spencer Trimingham (*1904) on Islam in Africa : integrative or isolationist?
2004 |
Tayob, Abdulkader |
From Africa to Africa : the significance of approaches to the study of African religious at Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities from 1970-1998
2004 |
Cox, James L. |
African Christian studies, 1967-1999 : reflections of an editor
2004 |
Hastings, Adrian |