Portofolio revision, a turnover-constrained approach
1980 |
Schreiner, John |
Taxes, corporate financial policy and return to investors
1980 |
Farrar, Donald E. |
Stability tests for alphas and betas over bull and bear market conditions
1980 |
Fabozzi, Frank J. |
Portfolio analysis of asset and liability management in small-, medium- and large-sized banks
1980 |
Francis, Jack Clark |
Statistical analysis of risk measures for NYSE stocks
1980 |
Francis, Jack Clark |
Skewness preference and the valuation of risk assets
1980 |
Kraus, Alan |
Stocks, bonds, bills, and inflation : the past (1926-1976) and the future (1977-2000)
1980 |
Ibbotson, Roger G. |
Interest rates and price level changes, 1952-69
1980 |
Yohe, William P. |
The pricing of options and corporate liabilities
1980 |
Black, Fischer |
The elasticity of financial assets
1980 |
Haugen, Robert A. |
Option pricing : a review
1980 |
Smith jr., Clifford W. |
Rational response to shocks in a dynamic model of capital asset pricing
1980 |
Black, Stanley W. |
Stock prices : Random vs. systematic changes
1980 |
Cootner, Paul H. |
Block recursive systems in asset pricing models
1980 |
Lloyd, William P. |
Investment performance of common stocks in relation to their price-earnings ratios : a test of the efficient market hypothetis
1980 |
Basu, S. |
Beta as a random coefficient
1980 |
Fabozzi, Frank J. |
A simultaneous equation model of the firm for financial analysis and planning
1980 |
Francis, Jack Clark |
Bond price volatility and term to maturity : a generalized respecification
1980 |
Hopewell, Michael H. |
An intertemporal capital asset pricing model
1980 |
Merton, Robert C. |
Capital asset prices: a theory of market equilibrium under conditions of risk
1980 |
Sharpe, William F. |