Industrialisation, the peasantry and the economic debate in post-independence period
1972 |
Byres, T. J. |
Some thoughts on mature socialism in the context of Indian development
1972 |
Tinbergen, Jan |
Importance of capital formation in inflationary financing Indian development
1972 |
Ali, Mansoor |
Indian economic policy under democratic socialism
1972 |
Khusro, A. M. |
Importance of Agricultural Refinance Corporation in Indian development
1972 |
Madhava Das, K. |
Industrialisation : plans and policy programmes in the context of Indian development
1972 |
Desai, V. R. Mutalik |
Importance of economic co-operation in India's industrial development : a German view-point on joint ventures
1972 |
Hunch, J. M. |
Impact of roads development on Indian economy
1972 |
Nanjundappa, D. M. |
Role of co-operation in Indian agricultural development
1972 |
Sinha, B. K. |
The ultimate objective of Nehru's socialism
1972 |
Silverman, Julius |
Role of economic partnership between India and West Germany
1972 |
Chand, Khub |
Role of small scale industries in economic development
1972 |
Belsare, S. K. |
Growth of Indian shipping industry in the plan periods
1972 |
Dalal, P. T. |
An assessment of Indian co-operative movement
1972 |
Digby, Margaret |
Nehru's socialism under democratic planning
1972 |
Sorensen |
Programming for risk and uncertainty in development planning with special reference to Indian agriculture
1972 |
Silva, E. C. de |
Performance of nationalised banks in Indian economy
1972 |
Bhuleshkar, Ashok V. |
Forced saving in relation to Indian economic development
1972 |
Vasudevan, A. |
Some important aspects of monetary policy in relation to development
1972 |
Ghonasgi, B. D. |
Industrialisation in India and its urban problems
1972 |
Hicks, Ursula |