Introduction : Olfactocentrism
2006 |
Drobnick, Jim |
2006 |
Drobnick, Jim |
Offensive bodies
2006 |
Hyde, Alan |
Base notes : odor, breath and moral contagion in Ilahita
2006 |
Tuzin, Donald |
2006 |
Drobnick, Jim |
Vagueness Gridlocked : a map of the smells of New York
2006 |
Margolies, Eleanor |
The stench of power
2006 |
Rindisbacher, Hans J. |
Sense and sensibility
2006 |
Keller, Heller |
The dog beneath the skin
2006 |
Sacks, Oliver |
Another memory
2006 |
Proust, Marcel |
Perfumeros and the sacred use of fragrance in Amazonian shamanism
2006 |
Steele, John J. |
The dialectic of "Enscentment" : Patrick Süskind's Perfume as critical history of enlightenment culture
2006 |
Gray, Richard T. |
Odor di Femina : though you may not see her, you can certainly smell her
2006 |
Mavor, Carol |
"The roots of the orchis, the iuli of chesnuts" : the odor of male solitude
2006 |
Looby, Christopher |
In Noritoshi Hirakawa's garden of nirvana
2006 |
Fisher, Jennifer |
A wisp of smoke : scent and character in The Tale of Genji
2006 |
Gatten, Aileen |
Magic, perfume, dream ...
2006 |
Gell, Alfred |
The breath of God : sacred histories of scent
2006 |
Classen, Constance |
The scent of memory in Hindu South India
2006 |
Shulman, David |
Olfactory : triggered panic attacks among Khmer refugees
2006 |
Hinton, Devon E. |