Die Übersetzung afrikasprachlicher Texte - Eine Brücke zum Verständnis Afrikanischer Kulturen in Europa
2001 |
Möhlig, Wilhelm J. G. |
Polysystemism as a key to internal reconstraction - The case of Hausa
2001 |
Pawlak, Nina |
Groteske Komik in Erzählungen der Bulsa (Nordghana)
2001 |
Schott, Rüdiger |
Miya as a West Chadic language with v...s word order
2001 |
Schuh, Russel G. |
Two giant steps compared
2001 |
Skinner, Neil |
Nupe children's songs and singing-games
2001 |
Blench, Roger |
Ritual dispute as portrayed in Iasar
2001 |
Piłaszewicz, Stanisław |
Sprachnorm und sozio-kulturelles paradigma am beispiel des gegenwärtigen schriftlichen standardhausa
2001 |
Porkhomovsky, Victor |
Zur Polysemie der Verbalformen im Lingala
2001 |
Toporova, Irina |
La derivation verbale en une dizaine de langues des monts du mandara: synchronie et diachronie
2001 |
Colombel, Véronique de |
Semitic terms of kinship and social sphere
2001 |
Diakonoff, I. M. |
Modal function of the order of clauses
2001 |
Frajzynger, Zygmunt |
Reflexives in Hausa
2001 |
Jaggar, Philip J. |
The "cognate accusative" in Hausa
2001 |
Newmann, Paul |
Relativformen, emphatische Formen und zweite Tempora: Gliedsatzformen im Ägyptischen und im Tschadischen
2001 |
Satzinger, Helmut |
News casting and standard Hausa
2001 |
Stolbova, Olga V. |
Content and style in praise name poetry from Niger
2001 |
Wolf, Paul P. de |
Meaning and performance: gradations in the expression of disapproval in Hausa
2001 |
Furniss, Graham |
Imam Umaru's Hausa in his account of the Ilorin Emirate: a case of dialect mixing or a mark of linguistic campetence?
2001 |
Abubakar, Abdulhamid |
Domains of incidence in the Nigerian triglottic configuration
2001 |
Brann, Conrad Max Benedict |