The role of operational research in future epidemics/pandemics |
2023 |
volume 304, issue 1 (1 January 2023) |
Feature cluster: Proceedings of the Thirtieth European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019) |
2021 |
volume 291, issue 3 (16 June 2021) |
Feature cluster: new trends in applied combinatorial optimization |
2020 |
volume 289, issue 3 (16 March 2021) |
Featured cluster: business analytics : defining the field and identifying a research agenda |
2020 |
volume 281, issue 3 (16. March 2020) |
Special issue: community Operational Research : innovations, internationalization and agenda-setting applications |
2018 |
volume 268, number 3 (1 August 2018) |
Special issue: 60 years following Harry Markowitz's contribution to portfolio theory and operations research |
2014 |
234.2014,2 |
Special issue: Eco-efficient green supply chain management |
2014 |
233.2014,2 |
Special issue: Maritime logistics |
2014 |
235.2014,2 |
Special issue: Vehicle routing and distribution logistics |
2014 |
236.2014,3 |
Feature clusters: Operations research in health care : EURO XXIII, 5 - 8 July 2009, Bonn ; [... 23rd European Conference on Operational Research ...] |
2012 |
219.2012,3 |
Multiobjective programming and goal programming |
2001 |
133.2001,2 |
Complex societal problems |
2001 |
128.2001,2 |
Preference disaggregation |
2001 |
130.2001,2 |
Artificial intelligence on transportation systems and science |
2001 |
131.2001,2 |
Financial modelling |
2001 |
135.2001,2 |
Data envelopment analysis |
2001 |
132.2001,2 |
Financial modelling |
2001 |
134.2001,2 |
A global view of industrial logistics |
2001 |
129.2001,2 |
Fifteenth EURO Summer Institute Production Scheduling: Deterministic, Stochastic and Fuzzy Approaches : [from 12 to 26 September 1997 ; in Saint Vincent, 30 km from Aosta] |
2000 |
120,2 |
Management science and operations in China |
2000 |
124,2 |