The economy as instituted process
2001 |
Polanyi, Karl |
The bazaar economy : information and search in peasant marketing
2001 |
Geertz, Clifford |
Group dynamics and intergroup relations
2001 |
Strauss, George |
Men who manage
2001 |
Dalton, Melville |
Processing fads and fashions : an organization-set analysis of cultural industry systems
2001 |
Hirsch, Paul M. |
Inside-Out : regional networks and industrial adaptation in Silicon Valley and Route 128
2001 |
Saxenian, AnnaLee |
Weber's last theory of capitalism : a systematization
2001 |
Collins, Randall |
Functional and historical logics in explaining the rise of the American industrial corporation
2001 |
Roy, William G. |
Why the economy reflects the polity : early rail policy in Britain, France, and the United States
2001 |
Dobbin, Frank |
Goodwill and the spirit of market capitalism
2001 |
Dore, Ronald |
Economic action and social structure : the problem of embeddedness
2001 |
Granovetter, Mark |
Embeddedness and immigration : notes on the social determinants of economic action
2001 |
Portes, Alejandro |
Human values and the market : the case of life insurance and death in 19th-century America
2001 |
Zelizer, Viviana A. |
Non-contractual relations in business : a preliminary study
2001 |
Macaulay, Stewart |
Economic and sociological approaches to gender inequality in pay
2001 |
Bridges, William P. |
Social structure and competition in interfirm networks : the paradox of embeddedness
2001 |
Uzzi, Brian |
Bureaucratic and craft administration of production : a comparative study
2001 |
Stinchcombe, Arthur L. |
Coase revisited : business groups in the modern economy
2001 |
Granovetter, Mark |
Recombinant property in east European capitalism
2001 |
Stark, David |
2001 |
Swedberg, Richard |