Linguistic Islamization of the "Mozarabs" as attested in a late ninth-century chronicle
2006 |
Penelas, Mayte |
Language and religion in early medieval Spain
2006 |
Wright, Roger |
Subduing Hagar : the Hebraization of Arabic writing in the thirteenth century
2006 |
Decter, Jonathan P. |
Langue des Vies, langue des chartes aux VIe - VIIIe siècles : questions sur la réceptibilité de l'ecriture en Occident latin
2006 |
Banniard, Michel |
Die Sprache der Wissenschaft : christlich-arabische Lehrtraditionen im Mittelalter
2006 |
Ferrari, Cleophea |
The patriarchs' behavior in Abraham's cycle : a moral issue in Sephardic and Provençal Jewish exegenesis
2006 |
Burnett, Esperanza |
The colour purple : cultural cross-fertilisation and translation in early medieval Ireland
2006 |
Picard, Jean-Michel |
Language and communication in the Latin west
2006 |
Ferrari, Michele C. |
Some aspects of the vernacular vocabulary in Christianity in early Ireland
2006 |
Chatháin, Próinséas Ni |
Gottesbezeichnungen im Althochdeutschen und im Altsächsischen
2006 |
Fuss, Martin |
Slawische Liturgie und Schrifttum im Böhmen des 10. Jahrhunderts : Vorstellungen und Wirklichkeit
2006 |
Třeštik, Dušan |
Language of religion, language of the people, languages of the documents : the legendary history of the Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala
2006 |
Perczel, István |
Towards a history of communication in Byzantinum : the Greek church and the vernacular(s)
2006 |
Niehoff-Panagiotidis, Johannes |
The astrological categorization of religious in Abu Ma'shar, the "De vetula" and Roger Bacon
2006 |
Burnett, Charles |
Griechisch - Syrisch - Arabisch : zum Verhältnis von Liturgie- und Umgangssprache bei den Melkiten Palästinas im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert
2006 |
Pahlitzsch, Johannes |
Language and prayer among Muslims, Christians and Jews in the early Islamic world
2006 |
Wasserstein, David J. |
"We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an" : an Arabic Qur'an ; an examination of sources and implications
2006 |
Kassis, Hanna E. |
Muslim-Christian polemics concerning images : visual tradition as the language of religion
2006 |
Luchitskaya, Svetlana |
Language, literacy and cultural development in early medieval England and Ireland
2006 |
Moisl, Hermann |
Concept and evolution of the "tres linguae sacrae"
2006 |
Richter, Michael |