Arabic secret languages
2011 |
Wolfer, Claudia |
Co-occurrence restrictions in the vocalic patterns of Afroasiatic plurals
2011 |
Lahrouchi, Mohamed |
The singulative in Sidaamu Afó
2011 |
Magne Yri, Kjell |
Tense and Aspect in Chadic : a Typological Overview
2010 |
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt |
Frühe Zeugnisse des Amharischen und der Gurage-Sprachen in einer polyglotten Wortliste von al-Malik al Afdal (gest. 778/1377)
2009-2010 |
Muth, Franz-Christoph |
Some Berber etymologies V
2008 |
Takács, Gábor |
On application of glottochronology to Berber languages: east Berber branch
2008 |
Blažek, Václav |
La relation de l'ambassade de Sadik ül-Müeyyed al-'Azm en Ethiopie (1904)
2008 |
Ducène, Jean-Charles |
I'rab, tanwin and status constructus : some thoughts on the history of the nominal declension in semitic and arabic
2008 |
Stempel, Reinhard |
Dialectometry analysis of Berber lexis
2008 |
Lafkioui, Mena |
Lexicostatistic applied to the east chadic languages
2008 |
Blažek, Václav |
Non-Bantu grammatical elements in the mixed language Maả
2007 |
Mous, Maarten |
La qasṭiliya médiévale et la toponymie du Djérid Tunisien
2007 |
Prevost, Virginie |
Linguistique et didactique de lảrabe classique : Lẻxemple des dix formes "dérivées" du verbe trilitère
2007 |
Larcher, Pierre |
Plurals of paucity in Arabic : from ancient to modern usage
2007 |
Ferrando, Ignacio |
Some aspects of the phonology and morphology of Dawuro
2007 |
Hirut Woldemariam |
Language reduction in Eastern Khoe
2005 |
Vossen, Rainer |
On phonological processes in the '3rd conjugation' of Somali
2005 |
Barillot, Xavier |
Semitic Qal in afroasiatic context
2005 |
Bennett, Patrick |
Current progress in South Cushitic comparative-historical linguistics
2005 |
Blažek, Václav |