Diathesis alternation in some Gur languages
2005 |
Reineke, Brigitte |
Future tense and aspect markings in southern bantu
2005 |
Batibo, H. M. |
A typology of subject and object markers in African languages
2005 |
Creissels, Denis |
Complex predicates based on generic auxiliaries as an areal feature in Northeast Africa
2005 |
Güldemann, Tom |
The word in Luganda
2005 |
Hyman, Larry M. |
Nonverbal and verbal negations in Kabyle (Berber) : a typological perspective
2005 |
Mettouchi, Amina |
Grammaticalization chains of the verb Kàre "to give" in Kabba
2005 |
Moser, Rosmarie |
How Bantu is Kiyansi? : a re-examination of its verbal inflections
2005 |
Mufwene, Salikoko S. |
Toward a typological perspective for Emai's BE constructions
2005 |
Schäfer, Ronald P. |
Grammaticalization of switch reference : motivation and means
2005 |
Frajzyngier, Zygmunt |
Case in Africa : on categorial misbehavior
2005 |
König, Christa |
Deictic categories in particles and demonstratives in three Gur languages
2005 |
Lébikaza, Kézié Koyenzi |
Preprefix or not - that is the question : the case of Kwangali, Kwanyama, Ndonga
2005 |
Leg`ere, Karsten |
Selectors in Cushitic
2005 |
Mous, Maarten |
Structure and function of incorporation processes in compounding
2005 |
Riehl, Claudia Maria |
The marking of directional deixis in Somali : how typologically idiosyncratic is it?
2005 |
Bourdin, Philippe |
Head marking, dependent marking and constituent order in the nilotic area
2005 |
Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. |
Agent phrases in Bantu passives
2005 |
Fleisch, Axel |
Intrinsic focus and focus control in two varieties of Hausa
2005 |
Wolff, H. Ekkehard |