Handling children : to touch or not to touch?
2005 |
Synnott, Anthony |
The language of pain in India
2005 |
Pugh, Judy |
Sex, pain and the Marquis de Sade
2005 |
Morris, David B. |
Nu Shu : female writing in China
2005 |
Ping, Wang |
Autism and "The squeeze machine"
2005 |
Grandin, Temple |
2005 |
Marinetti, F.T. |
2005 |
Classen, Constance |
Magical healing : the king's touch
2005 |
Thomas, Keith |
Breathing spaces : Qigong and healing
2005 |
Chen, Nancy N. |
A touch of danger : the bedside mannersof the eighteenth-century phisician
2005 |
Porter, Roy |
The golden age of electrotherapy
2005 |
Thomas de la Pen︣a, Caroline |
Spacemaking : experiences of a virtual body
2005 |
Kozel, Susan |
The American touch : tactile imagery in American religion and politics
2005 |
Chidester, David |
Skinscapes : embodiment, culture and environment
2005 |
Howes, David |
2005 |
Classen, Constance |
Desiring touch in Sartre and Beauvoir
2005 |
Deutscher, Penelope |
2005 |
Classen, Constance |
Primate experiments : Harry Harlow and the technology of love
2005 |
Haraway, Donna |
Male bonding
2005 |
Classen, Constance |
The imperial touch : schooling male bodies in colonial India, Part I
2005 |
Tyndale-Biscoe, C.E. |